A book written in Doric by pupils at Riverbank School about a naughty herring gull has been launched today (Thursday 28 March).
‘Summer, e Magic Scurry’, tells the story of a herring gull that does all the things a ‘scurry’ –the Doric word for a gull – usually does, but then, using magic, takes the Primary 5F pupils on an adventure to various places.
The book includes a facts section, in which the scurry answers all the questions asked by the children, such as “Do gulls pee?”, “How long do they live?” and “Why don’t they perch on trees?”
The pupils were able to create their Doric book thanks to Aberdeen City Council’s Creative Fund programme, and supported by writer Jackie Ross and illustrator Aaron Gale from Doric Books.
Councillor Martin Greig, the Convener of the Aberdeen City Council’s Education and Children’s Services Committee, said: “It’s great that the young people have worked so well as a team to produce this highly enjoyable and informative book. They have come together in a very positive way to share their thoughts and their different skills. It has clearly been a good learning experience where everyone has supported each other so well.”
Councillor Jessica Mennie, Vice-Convener, of the committee, said: “The Council’s Creative Fund has given pupils the chance to be inventive and artistic while learning about the city they live in. The book is educational and funny and I am sure it will be very popular.”
Carol Baxter, depute head teacher, Riverbank School, said: “The writing of ‘Summer, e Magic Scurry’ has provided a superb cross-curricular learning opportunity for Mrs Farquharson’s Primary 5 class.
“The experiences of working with Jackie Ross and Aaron Gale from Doric Books, along with Dr Elizabeth Campbell at the University of Aberdeen’s Zoology Department, who explained lots about gulls; feathers, flight, oh and not forgetting their toilet practices, and the excitement of knowing a book was to be published at the end of it all, resulted in curious, creative, well-motivated, enthusiastic and, ultimately, confident and knowledgeable children.”
Jackie Ross, Co-Director, Doric Books, said: “Doric Books are fair trickit with the wonderful book that P5F at Riverbank have created. It not only takes us on an adventure with a naughty scurry, but it also answers all the important questions you would want to ask a gull if you got the chance. The bairns’ sense of humour and fantastic drawings shine through and the enthusiastic way they tackled The Doric was great. Aaron and I have fair enjoyed oorsels ilka time we gid tae e skweel.”
The book is £10 and is available to purchase from https://doricbooks.com.