ASPC in Aberdeen


ASPC was the very first Solicitors Property Centre to be established anywhere in the United Kingdom. It is the model upon which all the other Solicitors Property Centres have been based and it is one of the largest Centres in the country offering an unrivalled range of facilities. Aberdeen Solicitors' Property Centre is situated at 40 Chapel Street, in the heart of the City Centre. ASPC is an easy to use technology - led Centre, designed to make property searching fun! The Centre staffs are always available to provide assistance to members of the public. They will help in identifying the location of properties and assist with other relevant information. Maps of the city and suburbs are available, on request, from the Information Desk.
Over 50 years on and today, that original and simple concept is still at the very heart of everything we do. Our primary purpose is to be of service to the public and as such, we don’t exist to make a profit for shareholders. All revenue from insertion fees stays within the Centre and is reinvested in technology to further enhance the website and the property buying/selling process for everyone in the North East and beyond, using our services.

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